
Account Type


Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024 Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
Investment option 10 yr p.a. 7 yr p.a. 5 yr p.a. 3 yr p.a. 1 yr FY to date Unit prices
Lifetime Outlook 7.28% 6.35% 4.97% 3.92% 12.53% 5.05% 6.22035 icons
Lifetime Aspire 1 7.43% 6.53% 5.15% 3.99% 12.53% 5.09% 6.31193 icons
Lifetime Aspire 2 6.50% 5.81% 3.95% 2.78% 12.12% 4.24% 5.71569 icons
Lifetime Focus 1 6.54% 5.90% 4.47% 3.37% 11.72% 4.37% 5.75596 icons
Lifetime Focus 2 5.97% 5.43% 3.95% 2.94% 11.19% 3.88% 5.42144 icons
Lifetime Focus 3 5.34% 4.90% 3.34% 2.45% 10.72% 3.48% 5.07878 icons
Lifetime Sustain 1 4.66% 4.23% 3.61% 3.27% 9.56% 3.58% 4.65399 icons
Lifetime Sustain 2 3.41% 3.16% 2.86% 2.97% 8.77% 3.27% 3.93396 icons
Lifetime Sustain 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.75% 1.03746 icons
Investment option
Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 5.05% Unit prices 6.22035
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 12.53% 3 yr p.a. 3.92%
5 yr p.a. 4.97% 7 yr p.a. 6.35%
10 yr p.a. 7.28%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 5.09% Unit prices 6.31193
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 12.53% 3 yr p.a. 3.99%
5 yr p.a. 5.15% 7 yr p.a. 6.53%
10 yr p.a. 7.43%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 4.24% Unit prices 5.71569
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 12.12% 3 yr p.a. 2.78%
5 yr p.a. 3.95% 7 yr p.a. 5.81%
10 yr p.a. 6.50%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 4.37% Unit prices 5.75596
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 11.72% 3 yr p.a. 3.37%
5 yr p.a. 4.47% 7 yr p.a. 5.90%
10 yr p.a. 6.54%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 3.88% Unit prices 5.42144
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 11.19% 3 yr p.a. 2.94%
5 yr p.a. 3.95% 7 yr p.a. 5.43%
10 yr p.a. 5.97%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 3.48% Unit prices 5.07878
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 10.72% 3 yr p.a. 2.45%
5 yr p.a. 3.34% 7 yr p.a. 4.90%
10 yr p.a. 5.34%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 3.58% Unit prices 4.65399
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 9.56% 3 yr p.a. 3.27%
5 yr p.a. 3.61% 7 yr p.a. 4.23%
10 yr p.a. 4.66%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 3.27% Unit prices 3.93396
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr 8.77% 3 yr p.a. 2.97%
5 yr p.a. 2.86% 7 yr p.a. 3.16%
10 yr p.a. 3.41%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 22 Oct 2024
FY to date 3.75% Unit prices 1.03746
Investment returns as at 30 Sep 2024
1 yr n/a 3 yr p.a. n/a
5 yr p.a. n/a 7 yr p.a. n/a
10 yr p.a. n/a
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Diversified and asset class options

We've changed our investment options

We now offer the same set of diversifed and asset class investment options to all ART and QSuper account holders. This means you've got access to even more investment choices, including the #1 performing super growth option – High Growth option over 10 years to 30 June 2024, SuperRatings SR Growth Category Index.1

We show performance returns for these options on the ART website.

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1. Over the 10 years to 30 June 2024, our High Growth option returned 9.28% p.a. Our returns are after Investment fees and costs, Transaction costs and where applicable, investment taxes, but before administration fees and costs. From 1 July 2024 the Lifecycle Investment Strategy pools changed, with members under age 50 invested 100% in the High Growth Pool. Members over age 50 transition into a mix of High Growth, Balanced and Cash pools over time. Refer to the Investment Guide for more information about the Lifecycle Investment Strategy. From 1 July 2024, for members under the age of 50, the Lifecycle Investment Strategy invests 100% in the High Growth Pool. The High Growth Pool commenced on 1 July 2024 and has identical investments to the High Growth option. To show the returns for the High Growth Pool up to 30 June 2024, we have used the returns of the Growth option (which commenced on 28 February 2022 and adopted the investment strategy of the pre-merger Sunsuper Growth option) for periods prior to 28 February 2022. Actual returns will differ for individuals. Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Growth (77-90) Index, 30 June 2024. The SR50 Growth (77-90) Index comprises selected investment options with a similar asset allocation to growth style assets between 77-90%. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Ratings and awards are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding to invest. Investment returns are net of investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where applicable). Products issued by Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (ABN 88 010 720 840, AFSL No. 228975) as trustee for Australian Retirement Trust (ABN 60 905 115 063). Consider the Super Savings product disclosure statements and TMDs before deciding.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Each of our options has a different objective, risk profile, and asset allocation. Visit our investment options section for more detailed information. Changes to inflation, fees, asset allocations, option objectives, and risk, play a significant part in the return of any investment option. In the event the Trustee suspends unit prices on any or all investment options, we may temporarily suspend transaction processing until unit prices are released.
For periods up to 30 June 2024, unit prices and investment returns are net of administration fees and costs, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and where applicable, investment taxes. From 1 July 2024, unit prices and investment performance are net of investment fees and costs, transaction costs and where applicable, investment taxes, but gross of administration fees and costs. You should consider this when comparing returns between options. Current fees and costs are shown in the QSuper Product Disclosure Statement.
Please note for the Lifetime option, returns are available for Sustain from 16 December 2013 and from 26 May 2014 for Outlook, Aspire 1, Aspire 2, Focus 1, Focus 2 and Focus 3. . For Sustain 3, returns are available from 1 July 2024.
These figures have been rounded for member reporting purposes.