
Account Type


Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024 Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
Investment option 10 yr p.a. 7 yr p.a. 5 yr p.a. 3 yr p.a. 1 yr FY to date Unit prices
Lifetime Outlook 7.13% 5.93% 4.91% 3.22% 7.06% 1.08% 5.98556 icons
Lifetime Aspire 1 7.28% 6.11% 5.09% 3.31% 7.06% 1.08% 6.07131 icons
Lifetime Aspire 2 6.32% 5.25% 3.91% 1.99% 5.73% 0.86% 5.53015 icons
Lifetime Focus 1 6.37% 5.42% 4.37% 2.64% 6.17% 0.94% 5.56694 icons
Lifetime Focus 2 5.79% 4.92% 3.82% 2.19% 5.63% 0.84% 5.26253 icons
Lifetime Focus 3 5.14% 4.34% 3.17% 1.66% 5.02% 0.74% 4.94433 icons
Lifetime Sustain 1 4.47% 3.85% 3.32% 2.49% 5.49% 0.77% 4.52798 icons
Lifetime Sustain 2 3.21% 2.79% 2.47% 2.13% 5.12% 0.69% 3.83538 icons
Lifetime Sustain 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.52% 1.01524 icons
Investment option
Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 1.08% Unit prices 5.98556
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 7.06% 3 yr p.a. 3.22%
5 yr p.a. 4.91% 7 yr p.a. 5.93%
10 yr p.a. 7.13%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 1.08% Unit prices 6.07131
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 7.06% 3 yr p.a. 3.31%
5 yr p.a. 5.09% 7 yr p.a. 6.11%
10 yr p.a. 7.28%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 0.86% Unit prices 5.53015
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 5.73% 3 yr p.a. 1.99%
5 yr p.a. 3.91% 7 yr p.a. 5.25%
10 yr p.a. 6.32%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 0.94% Unit prices 5.56694
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 6.17% 3 yr p.a. 2.64%
5 yr p.a. 4.37% 7 yr p.a. 5.42%
10 yr p.a. 6.37%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 0.84% Unit prices 5.26253
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 5.63% 3 yr p.a. 2.19%
5 yr p.a. 3.82% 7 yr p.a. 4.92%
10 yr p.a. 5.79%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 0.74% Unit prices 4.94433
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 5.02% 3 yr p.a. 1.66%
5 yr p.a. 3.17% 7 yr p.a. 4.34%
10 yr p.a. 5.14%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 0.77% Unit prices 4.52798
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 5.49% 3 yr p.a. 2.49%
5 yr p.a. 3.32% 7 yr p.a. 3.85%
10 yr p.a. 4.47%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 0.69% Unit prices 3.83538
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr 5.12% 3 yr p.a. 2.13%
5 yr p.a. 2.47% 7 yr p.a. 2.79%
10 yr p.a. 3.21%
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Unit prices and FYTD returns as at 26 Jul 2024
FY to date 1.52% Unit prices 1.01524
Investment returns as at 30 Jun 2024
1 yr n/a 3 yr p.a. n/a
5 yr p.a. n/a 7 yr p.a. n/a
10 yr p.a. n/a
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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Each of our options has a different objective, risk profile, and asset allocation. Visit our investment options section for more detailed information. Changes to inflation, fees, asset allocations, option objectives, and risk, play a significant part in the return of any investment option. In the event the Trustee suspends unit prices on any or all investment options, we may temporarily suspend transaction processing until unit prices are released.
For periods up to 30 June 2024, unit prices and investment returns are net of administration fees and costs, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and where applicable, investment taxes. From 1 July 2024, unit prices and investment performance are net of investment fees and costs, transaction costs and where applicable, investment taxes, but gross of administration fees and costs. You should consider this when comparing returns between options. Current fees and costs are shown in the QSuper Product Disclosure Statement.
Please note for the Lifetime option, returns are available for Sustain from 16 December 2013 and from 26 May 2014 for Outlook, Aspire 1, Aspire 2, Focus 1, Focus 2 and Focus 3. . For Sustain 3, returns are available from 1 July 2024.
These figures have been rounded for member reporting purposes.