Depending on how much you earn, salary sacrificing to your QSuper Accumulation account can help you pay less tax now and have more money in retirement. Or you can make after-tax voluntary contributions instead.

Benefits of salary sacrifice to your super

Pay less tax

Depending on how much you earn, you may pay less tax on salary sacrifice contributions than your normal tax rate.

Reduce your taxable income

Salary sacrificing from your before-tax salary lowers your taxable income. So you could pay less tax, or use it as part of your transition into retirement.

Grow your retirement savings

Any extra contributions you make now can make a big difference to how much you end up with when you retire.

What is salary sacrifice?


Salary sacrificing to super is when you pay part of your salary into your super account before tax, instead of it being part of your take-home pay. This is an extra payment on top of the superannuation guarantee contribution your employer has to make.


Depending on the industry you work in, your employer may let you salary package a range of expenses like buying a car, rent/mortgage payments, or school fees.

Salary sacrificing to super is different to making after-tax voluntary contributions.

How does salary sacrifice work?

Your payroll office or salary package provider can add a salary sacrifice deduction to your pay going forward, or you can ask them for more information about how salary sacrifice works.

Once it's started, you can view your salary sacrifice contributions in our app or in Member Online.

Not yet a member of Australian Retirement Trust? Find out whether you're eligible to open a QSuper account or a Super Savings account.

What is salary sacrifice and how does it work?

Is salary sacrifice worth it? We've done the sums so you can see how extra contributions to your super add up over time.

Other ways to grow your super

Discover more ways you can add to your super, such as other contribution types. Or find out ways to claim a benefit, such as a tax deduction or the government co-contribution.

Find out more

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Use the QSuper Salary Sacrifice Calculator

Try our salary sacrifice calculator to find how much you could benefit and how much you could salary sacrifice.

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If you're a member, get financial advice over the phone to help decide what type of contributions are right for you. Not yet a member?

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