You could be eligible to receive the Age Pension as well as your super in retirement, so it's important to understand how they work together.

The Age Pension in Australia

The Age Pension is a fortnightly allowance paid to eligible Australian residents by the government. It is distributed by Centrelink and was designed as a 'safety net' for retirees who do not have enough financial resources (such as super) to help fund their retirement.

More than half (3 in 5) of Australians aged over 65 currently rely solely on the Pension (AIHW, 2021). Depending how old you are when you decide to retire, your income needs to last you between 15 to 30 years so it's important to understand how the Age Pension works in addition to your super.

How superannuation affects the Age Pension

There are 3 main income sources you could rely on once you stop working – super, personal savings and investments, and the Age Pension. Understanding how they work together is necessary to make sure you can live the lifestyle you want in retirement. Different income source combinations, as well as eligibility requirements, can affect the amount of money you get.

How you decide to access your super in retirement can also affect your Age Pension rate. Your super balance is taken into account by Centrelink when calculating your Age Pension amount and withdrawing a lump sum could affect your payments and have tax implications.

You may be able to increase your Age Pension payments (if eligible) by using some of your super to open a Lifetime Pension, because of how it's treated in Centrelink's income and assets tests. Our Lifetime Pension creates an income for your life or your spouse's life, with money-back protection, so you get at least your purchase price in payments or a death benefit.

Also, moving your super to a Retirement Income account can turn your savings into an income stream that complements your Age Pension payments while continuing to invest your money. With flexible payment options and a focus on long-term investment performance, a Retirement Income account can help you maximise your retirement savings.


Your choice of retirement products

If you're eligible to open a QSuper account, find the right combination of QSuper products for you.

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Check if you're eligible for the Age Pension

There are a number of Age Pension calculators you can use to check what payments and services you may be eligible for.


We've partnered with Retirement Essentials1 to help you feel confident you're getting all your Age Pension entitlements.
Check your eligibility today (you'll be redirected to the Retirement Essentials website.)

There are 4 main requirements you must meet to start getting Age Pension payments.

You can start getting the Age Pension when you turn 67 years old. However, this is different to the age you can access your super.

When you can access your super is different to when you can access the Age Pension.

To get Age Pension payments, you need to have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years, with no break in residence for 5 of those years.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as refugees or former refugees. You may also be able to claim if you've lived or worked in a country that has a social security arrangement with Australia.

Visit the Centrelink (Services Australia) for more information about residency requirements.

The Australian Government has set limits on the total amount of assets you can own in order to be eligible for the Age Pension. Some of the assets counted in this threshold can include:

  • Super
  • Money in a savings account
  • Investments
  • Vehicles
  • Household items
  • Real estate (not including your principal home and surrounding land up to 2 hectares).

If the sum of your total assets goes over this threshold, your Age Pension amount will go down by $3.00 for every $1,000 over the limit.1

Use our Lifetime Pension Income Estimator to see how a Lifetime Pension might bring you under the assets threshold and potentially increase your Age Pension benefit.

More information about the asset test thresholds.

The Australian Government has also set limits on the total amount of income you can earn on a fortnightly basis in order to be eligible for the Age Pension. Some of the income or deemed income that count towards this threshold can be from:

  • Your job (if you're still working)
  • Share market dividends
  • Financial investments
  • Income streams (from a super fund)
  • Savings accounts and term deposits
  • Investment properties
  • Income from outside Australia (such as non-Australian pensions).

If the sum of your total income goes over the Australian Government's limit, your pension payments will reduce progressively and could possibly stop altogether.

Try our Lifetime Pension Income Estimator to see how a Lifetime Pension might bring you under the income limit and potentially increase your Age Pension benefit.

More information about the income test thresholds.

Lifetime Pension and the Age Pension

Find out how you could become eligible or increase your Age Pension payments using our Lifetime Pension.

What else to consider

There are other benefits available for retirees. Some of these include: