A focus on long-term performance
Our Lifetime Pension won Canstar's Innovation Excellence Award 2023
Due to required maintenance, Member Online will be unavailable from 9:00 pm, Saturday 8th February until 9:00 am, Sunday 9th February. We apologise for any inconvenience.
The QSuper Board's assessment of how our products promote the financial interests of our members. This assessment was completed prior to merging with Sunsuper to become Australian Retirement Trust.
Understand our privacy policy, including why and how we collect and store some personal information.
Give this statement of compliance to your employer to show we're part of a complying superannuation fund.
This is the legislation that establishes our super fund.
Prescribes who is eligible to be a QSuper member, and the conditions of membership.
Superannuation (State Public Sector) Regulation 2023 (pdf)
This sets out the member and employer contribution rates for QSuper members.
Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd was established on 28 February 2022. Our Deed of Amendment for Australian Retirement Trust ("The Trust Deed") and the Government Division Participation Schedule provide the governing rules of the scheme under which we administer the provision of services to members, including the Government Division rules for Defined Benefit members.
The Government Division Participation Schedule forms part of the rules for QSuper Defined Benefit members.