What are units?

When you add money to your super, you’re actually buying units in our investment options. When you make a withdrawal, you sell units in that investment option.

The unit prices go up and down each day, in much the same way that share prices do, based on movements in the market value. As the unit price changes, so does the overall value of your investment.

Check the value of your super

To work out how much your super is worth, multiply the number of units you have in an investment option by its daily unit price.

Number of units x Daily unit price = Value of your super

For Accumulation and Income accounts, you can check how many units you have in each investment option and the current value of your super in our app or Member Online.

For our other products such as Lifetime Pension and Defined Benefit accounts, you aren't invested in units, but you can see details about your super in Member Online.

Unit price timeframes

We usually calculate unit prices every working day, and we publish the value of each investment option at the close of global markets from 2 business days earlier.

Here's an example of how our timeframes work.

Day 1: Valuation date

We value assets for each investment option each business day, based on prices when domestic and international markets close.

Day 3: Release date

9.00am AEST time: We publish our unit prices.1

Release date - This is the date the unit price is effective at. If you transact on your account on this date, this is the unit price that will be applied to the transaction.

Valuation date - This is the date that the assets in the option were valued at.

QSuper unit prices use the release date. The valuation date is two business days prior to this. Unit prices for Australian Retirement Trust have the same release and valuation date.

Unit pricing error compensation

We've put in place extensive controls to minimise the chance of unit pricing errors. Should an error happen, we'll check if it has negatively affected you, and if we need to compensate you. Where this is the case:

  • For Accumulation and Income account members, we'll aim to make sure you're in the same financial position as if the error didn't happen.
  • If you're no longer a member, we'll only compensate amounts $20 or greater.

Our policy's in line with industry standards and regulatory guidelines.


Advice on investment options

In just 10-15 minutes, you can get personal financial advice about a range of different investment options for your goals as a QSuper member.

  1. We reserve the right to temporarily suspend unit prices at any time if there’s extreme market volatility, or where we can’t determine valuations due to circumstances outside of our control. If we suspend unit prices on any or all investment options, we may temporarily pause processing transactions until unit prices are released. We'll resume processing transactions using the next available unit price.