Finances Finances
Female working on tax time paperwork Get your tax-time records organised

Find out how to get your end-of-financial-year paperwork together for tax time.

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Banner_A Know your new rates for work-from-home tax deductions

Understand what tax deductions you can claim if you work from home

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Paperwork Get the most out of your tax‑time entitlements

Get the most out of your super contributions and entitlements this tax time.

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compounding How compound interest works

Harness one of the most powerful forces in finance

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banner What is financial advice?

You may be among more than half of Australians who’ve started getting financial advice or seeing a financial adviser more often

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banner How women can take control of their financial wellbeing

Plan to feel confident about your money and overcome the gender pay and super gaps

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christmas shopping How to spend your holiday season wisely

6 tips to help you keep festive season spending under control

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Female working on tax time paperwork Get your tax-time records organised

How to tackle your tax-time paperwork.

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man at home doing finances How you may save money this financial year

10 simple saving measures to support your financial health.

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