Historical investment returns to 30 June 2024

Investment option 1 yr 3 yrs p.a. 5 yrs p.a. 10 yrs p.a. Unit price history
Accumulation/Transition to Retirement
Moderate 4.16% 2.21% 2.70% 3.97% Download
Socially Responsible 5.81% 0.14% 2.50% 4.46% Download
Aggressive 7.00% 3.11% 4.77% 7.22% Download
Cash 3.93% 2.14% 1.42% 1.57% Download
Diversified Bonds 3.23% -1.92% -0.10% 1.81% Download
International Shares 20.33% 6.58% 10.53% 9.63% Download
Australian Shares 11.26% 6.07% 6.79% 7.92% Download
Moderate 4.61% 2.51% 2.99% 4.39% Download
Socially Responsible 6.75% 0.10% 2.79% 4.97% Download
Aggressive 7.62% 4.16% 5.77% 8.08% Download
Cash 4.60% 2.51% 1.66% 1.84% Download
Diversified Bonds 3.67% -2.19% -0.11% 2.10% Download
International Shares 21.98% 6.92% 11.41% 10.20% Download
Australian Shares 12.71% 7.25% 7.98% 8.90% Download

Each of these options had a different objective, risk profile, and asset allocation. Changes to inflation, fees, asset allocations, option objectives, and risk, play a significant part in the return of any investment option.

Unit prices and investment returns are net of administration fees and costs, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and where applicable, investment taxes. Investment taxes generally do not apply to Retirement Income accounts.

These figures have been rounded for member reporting purposes.