Grow your super

Explore the many ways you can add to your super, on top of the contributions from your employer

Start with some simple ways to boost your super

From quick wins to setting up regular contributions, it's easy to add more to your super. Begin with a few simple checks to make sure your super is where it should be.

How to contribute more to your super (and pay less tax)

Salary sacrifice to your super

Paying money into your super from your before-tax salary means less income tax while you grow your retirement savings.

Make voluntary contributions

Even small amounts from your after-tax pay can build up your savings for a better future, and you may be eligible for a tax deduction.

Downsize and save on tax

If you're downsizing and aged 55 and over, you may be able to add money from the sale of your home to your super.

Save for your first home faster

The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) aims to make it easier and quicker to save for a deposit for your first home with your super.


How to help your spouse's superannuation

Top up your spouse’s super

Contributing to your spouse’s superannuation from your after-tax income could give you a tax offset of up to $540.

Split your super contributions

Move some of your before-tax contributions to your spouse's super and you both could benefit.


How to get a bonus on your super

Extra employer contributions

Some employers may make higher contributions to your super when you add your own contributions.

Low income super tax offset (LISTO)

If you earn less than $37,000 per year, the government could refund the tax you pay on any before-tax contributions made to your super up to a maximum of $500.

Super co-contribution

If you’re on a lower income and make after-tax contributions to your super, the government may reward you by adding even more to your balance.


Contribution caps

Making additional contributions to your super is a great way to grow your retirement savings, but there are limits to how much you can add. Too much can mean extra tax.

Compare your options for adding to super

If you're not sure what's the best way to add extra to your super, start by comparing options with this general guide. It's important to check the rules and details for each option and be aware of your contribution limits. You can easily find out how much you've already paid in after-tax contributions in Member Online.

Option Earn/year Age limit Potential benefits
Salary sacrifice (before-tax) More than $45,000 Any age
  • Reduces your taxable income
  • Pay less tax on contributions
Voluntary contributions (after-tax) Any income Under 75
  • Tax deduction on contributions
  • May get a government co-contribution
Downsizer contributions Any income 55 and older
  • Pay no tax on downsizer contribution
  • Doesn't count towards contribution limits
Super splitting (before-tax) Any income Spouse under 65
  • Get access to your super earlier
  • Potential Age Pension and tax benefits
Spouse contributions (after-tax) Spouse earns less than $40,000 Spouse under 75
  • Claim a tax offset of up to $540
LISTO $37,000 or less Any age
  • Tax refund of up to $500 on before-tax contributions, eg employer contributions
Super co-contribution Less than $60,400 70 and under
  • Up to $500 extra in your super for after-tax contributions
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Read our Personal Contributions Guide (pdf) for more information on boosting your super.

You can also use the Moneysmart super contributions optimiser to work out the best way to grow your super.