It's easy to claim a tax deduction on money you add to your super, if you're eligible.

Benefits of claiming the tax on super contributions

Claiming a tax deduction for your personal super contribution (a.k.a. voluntary, after-tax, or non-concessional contribution) or standard member contribution may have 3 main benefits:

Pay less tax

Claiming a tax deduction when completing your tax return lowers your taxable income – so depending on your income, you could pay less tax.

Grow your super

Any extra contributions you make now may create a big difference to how much you end up with over time.

Investment tax benefits

Investment earnings in super are taxed at up to 15%, which may be lower than the tax you pay on your income.

How to claim a super deduction

You can claim a tax deduction for:

  • Any personal after-tax super contributions (e.g. BPAY®).
  • After-tax standard member contributions to your QSuper Accumulation account (some employees of the Queensland Government make these).1

It's easy to claim a tax deduction on money you add to your super.

Follow these steps

  1. 1
    Log in and add money to your super
    Make an after-tax voluntary contribution (also called a personal super contribution) with your BPAY® details in Member Online. Just remember to make your BPAY® payment by 21 June so it goes through to your account before the end of the financial year.
  2. 2
    Tell us you want to claim
    Claim your tax deduction in Member Online or send us your completed Notice of Intent to Claim a Tax Deduction form (pdf). You can wait until after 1 July to make a claim but if you want to do it sooner, wait at least 3 days after making your final contribution (to make sure the money's in your account). Tell us you want to claim a deduction before you lodge your tax return or by 30 June the following year, whichever is earlier.
  3. 3
    Wait to hear from us 
    We'll write to let you know when we've processed your request. With so many members claiming a tax deduction around the end of the financial year, it can take up to 8 weeks for your confirmation letter or email to arrive.
  4. 4
    Add it to your tax return 
    When you do your tax return, list the amount you're claiming as personal superannuation contributions in the Individual tax return supplement.

Keep in mind there are strict rules for claiming your super contributions as a deduction. For more information, read the factsheet attached to the form (pdf), download our Personal Contributions Guide (pdf), or talk to an accountant or tax agent.

How super contributions tax affects your deduction

Although you made the contributions from your after-tax pay, when you claim a tax deduction, your super fund treats them as before-tax (concessional) contributions.

This means you pay the 15% super contributions tax (or 30% if your income and before-tax contributions equal more than $250,000/year). If you haven't given your super fund your tax file number (TFN), the super tax rate may be higher.

How much you'll benefit from claiming a tax deduction on your super contributions depends on your normal tax rate, and how much your super contribution is reduced by when you claim a tax deduction on it.

If you're earning less than $60,400 per year, you may wish to claim the government's super co-contribution instead of a tax deduction.

Your income Income tax rate (ATO) Super tax rate
Up to $18,200 0% 15%
$18,201 – $45,000 16% on amount over $18,200 15%
$45,001 – $135,000 $4,288, plus 30% on amount over $45,000 15%
$135,001 – $190,000 $31,288, plus 37% on amount over $135,000 15%
Over $190,000 $51,638, plus 45% on amount over $190,000 15% - 30%

The above rates do not include the Medicare levy of 2%.

Other ways to grow your super

Discover more ways you can add to your super, such as other contribution types. Or find out ways to claim other benefits apart from tax deductions.

Find out more

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about claiming super

Yes, depending on which type of super contribution you made, you may be able to claim a tax deduction.

You can claim a tax deduction for:

You can't claim a tax deduction:

  • On before-tax (concessional) contributions (e.g. salary sacrificed contributions or your employer's SG contributions)
  • On First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) amounts or COVID-19 withdrawals you've accessed and then re-contributed to your super fund
  • On eligible downsizer contributions
  • If you've started an income stream using the before-tax contributions you want to claim
  • If the fund no longer has the money (e.g. if you've withdrawn it or switched super funds)
  • If the contribution was actually a transfer/rollover from another fund (including foreign pension funds)
  • If you want to receive the government's super co-contribution for low income earners on your after-tax contributions.

If you're aged from 67 up to 75 years old, you need to meet the work test or work test exemption to claim a tax deduction. Once you're over 75, you can't make contributions that you could claim a tax deduction on. If you're under 18 at the end of the financial year you made the contributions in, you'll need to earn income as an employee or by running a business.  

There are strict rules for claiming your super contributions as a deduction. For more information, read the factsheet attached to the form (pdf), download our Personal Contributions Guide (pdf), or talk to an accountant or tax agent.

When your employer pays your super or you salary sacrifice to your super, these are before-tax contributions (or concessional contributions) and you pay a 15% tax on these contributions (or 30% tax if your income and before-tax contributions equal more than $250,000/year).

Investment earnings your super makes are also taxed at up to 15%.

If you make an after-tax contribution (personal or voluntary contribution), you don't pay the 15% contributions tax. But when you claim a tax deduction on these contributions, the 15% super contributions tax will apply.

In 2024–25, you can add a total of up to $30,000 in concessional contributions before tax each financial year. These are normally taxed at 15% (an extra 15% tax may apply if your income plus before-tax contributions are over $250,000/year). You could be paying more tax if you haven't given your TFN to your super fund or contribute more than these limits.

You can add up to $120,000 per year in non-concessional (personal/voluntary/after-tax) contributions, depending on your super balance. No tax applies to after-tax contributions unless you go over the limit, then an extra tax may apply.

Learn more about the contribution limits.

Yes, claiming a tax deduction changes your contribution from non-concessional to concessional, and your concessional cap also includes your employer and salary sacrifice contributions. So it's worth checking whether you're close to your before-tax (concessional) contribution cap for the financial year before deciding how much to claim for your deduction.

Also consider the carry-forward and bring-forward rules. These two rules mean that if you're eligible and you haven't contributed up to the full limits in a particular financial year, you could contribute more the next year.

If you're making super contributions, you can't backdate those contributions.

However, it's worth learning about the carry-forward and bring-forward rules, which are similar to backdating super contributions. These two rules mean that if you're eligible and you haven't contributed up to the full limits in a particular financial year, you could contribute more the next year.

You can make more than one claim for tax deductions on super with us before you fill out your tax return for the financial year.

For example, let's say you've made an early claim with us for a super tax deduction within a financial year. After this you make some extra contributions to your super before 1 July and would like to add this money to the amount you're claiming. You can make a second claim — just for the extra amount — before you put in your tax return for that financial year.

Also, if you've put in a claim for a tax deduction but you'd like to reduce the amount you're claiming before doing your tax return, you can tell us by filling in the paper form (pdf). Keep in mind there are time limits for changing the amount you want to claim.

Remember to wait until we let you know that we've processed your claim before submitting your tax return.

Usually, your super fund and employer will automatically report your super balances and contributions to the ATO.

If you're claiming a tax deduction for super contributions, you list the amount you're allowed to claim as a deduction in your tax return. You can check this with your accountant or tax agent at tax time.

Claim your tax deduction

We make it easy to add money to your super now and claim your tax deduction.

Add money to super Icon

Make a contribution

Make a personal super contribution now using your BPAY details from Member Online.

Get details
Money down Icon

Claim a tax deduction

Check your total personal super contributions and claim your tax deduction in Member Online.

Claim now

1. You cannot claim a tax deduction for standard member contributions made to a Defined Benefit account.

2. This case study for illustrative and educational purposes only, and the members shown are not real. Additionally, figures may be rounded for ease of understanding. Members should seek advice from a qualified licensed professional, regarding their own circumstances.  $3,200 income tax saved is based of a $10,000 tax deduction multiplied by a marginal tax rate of 32% including 2% Medicare levy. This case study does not take into account other income and deductions or tax offsets. This case study is for illustrative purposes only to show how tax deductions work for super contributions, and we haven't taken into account your personal circumstances. The calculation is based on tax rates for the 2024-25 financial year and assumes Sam has met all terms and conditions.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518.