When you can access your super

Superannuation is designed to provide you with savings once you've retired from the workforce. And there are rules around when you access it.

While you can retire at any age, you can generally get the money from your super once you turn 60. And if you're already over age 60, you may be able to access it now!


Retirement vs Pension age

Did you know there's a difference between them? Generally, you can access your super from age 60 (as long as you've left a job and/or permanently retired).

The Age Pension age in Australia is currently age 67 and you need to meet other criteria to get it.

Rules for accessing your super

There are usually a couple of conditions you need to meet as well as preservation age, when you're ready to start using your super.

Under age 60

There are some situations where you can apply to take out your super before age 60, such as compassionate grounds, severe financial hardship, or a terminal medical condition.

Early access to super

Ages 60 to 64

You can access your super as long as you've permanently retired.

And if you leave your employment on or after you turn 60, you can also access the super you've earned up until then.

Not ready to retire? You could use some of your super while you’re still working, with a Transition to Retirement Income account.

Age 65 or over

You can generally access your super, without restrictions, even if you're still working.1

Need to access your super?

Once you're eligible to take out your super, you can access it as an income stream, a lump sum withdrawal, or a combination of both.

Ways to withdraw your super

Retire with a fund you can trust

We offer a range of retirement products, so you can live your best life after work.

  • alt-text
    Transition to Retirement Income account

    Ease into retirement and enjoy regular payments from your super while you're still working. With flexible payment options, see why thousands of members feel confident about transitioning to retirement with us.

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    Retirement Income account

    Turn your super into a regular income with our Retirement Income account. As your money stays invested, your savings could continue to grow. You can also combine your Retirement Income account with our Lifetime Pension for the ultimate retirement income solution.

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    Lifetime Pension

    Enjoy security and confidence in retirement with our award-winning Lifetime Pension. It provides an income for the rest of your life, and may even increase your Age Pension payments (if you're eligible).

FAQs about accessing your super

Have any questions about accessing super that we haven't answered? Contact us to chat with one of our friendly staff members.

Your preservation age – or access age – is the minimum age that your super must be ‘preserved’ until. The government sets the age limit and for all Australians, it's generally age 60. If you're already over the age of 60, you've hit your preservation age.

When you reach your preservation age, super normally becomes available for you to withdraw or convert to an income stream once you've retired or stopped an employment arrangement. If you're still working when you reach your preservation age, you can start a Transition to Retirement account instead.

Keep in mind the preservation age for super is different to the government's Age Pension eligibility age.

If you stop an employment arrangement on or after turning 60, you're able to access the super you have got up until that point.

If you decide to return to work, you can still access the super you had before you returned to work. But for any contributions from your new employer, you'll need to wait until you leave that job and/or permanently retire before you can access that super.

Once you turn 65, you generally have full access to all your super, whether you're working or not.

If you're aged 60 years old and not ready to retire, you could access some of your super while you’re still working by opening a Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account.

You can use a TTR Income account to reduce your work hours without reducing your income, or as part of a tax strategy in the lead up to retirement, saving you tax while your savings continue to grow.

Depending on your age, withdrawals and income payments from your super may be taxed. If you're over age 60, it's generally tax-free. If you're under age 60, the taxable portion of any income payments will generally be taxed at your marginal tax rate (plus Medicare levy).

Lump sum withdrawals are tax-free if you're over age 60.

Read our Tax Explanation factsheet for more.

Yes, lump sum withdrawals and payments from your super can also impact any benefits you're getting from Centrelink.

Managing government benefits such as the Age Pension can be complex, and small changes can have a big impact, consider getting personal financial advice to help you maximise your retirement income.

Retire with us today

Access your super and live your best life after work with our award-winning retirement income solutions. It's just one of the reasons our members feel confident about retiring with QSuper. 

1. If you hold a Defined Benefit account, there are some important considerations before you access your super when you are still working.