The Fund (Australian Retirement Trust) commenced following the merger of QSuper and Sunsuper on 28 February 2022. The Fund has 2 parts: public offer division and government division. The government division branded as QSuper is only open to Queensland Government employees, current members, and other people who can use QSuper products, and people who applied to join QSuper before 28 February 2022. The Fund consists of Defined Benefit, Accumulation, Income, and Lifetime Pension products.
The QSuper Defined Benefit account was closed to new members from 12 November 2008.
Accumulation member
The QSuper Accumulation account is designed for Queensland Government employees, current members, and other people who can use QSuper products. With an Accumulation account, members can take an active role in how their superannuation is invested by choosing from ten different investment options ranging from higher risk/higher return to lower risk/lower return. If members don't choose how they want their money invested, we place them into our default option, QSuper Lifetime. QSuper members who don't work for the Queensland Government have the option for their employer to make their superannuation contributions into their Accumulation account on their behalf.
For these members, Australian Retirement Trust complies with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS) and APRA Prudential Standards in a manner consistent with other public offer superannuation funds. In particular the SIS requirements relating to portability (including Trans-Tasman) and temporary residents permanently departing Australia.
Income account (including Transition to Retirement) and Lifetime Pension members
The QSuper Income account is an account-based pension product that allows members to use their superannuation funds to provide an income in retirement. The pension is paid until the Income account balance is exhausted. The transition to retirement option allows eligible members to open an Income account and draw an income stream while they're still working. The QSuper Lifetime Pension allows members to use their superannuation funds to purchase an income stream in retirement. The Lifetime Pension provides an income for life for the member and their spouse (if they choose the spouse protection option), no matter how long they live.
For these members, Australian Retirement Trust complies with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) and APRA Prudential Standards in a manner consistent with other public offer superannuation funds.
Defined Benefit products (closed products)
Current members with a QSuper Defined Benefit account are able to maintain their existing benefits until they decide to retire, transfer to an Accumulation account or leave employment with the Queensland Government. The QSuper Defined Benefit account was closed to new members from 12 November 2008. The QSuper Defined Benefit products are funded separately.
Defined Benefit arrangements
Due to the following arrangements, Australian Retirement Trust is classified as an unfunded public sector superannuation scheme. Employing authorities are required to remit QSuper Defined Benefit employer contributions to Queensland Treasury. These contributions are accumulated in a reserve ('Employer Fund'), which forms part of the Queensland Government's consolidated fund. The Employer Fund is maintained to finance the State's future liability for the employer component of all QSuper defined benefits. As defined benefits become payable, money from the Employer Fund is transferred to Australian Retirement Trust to fund the employer's share of these benefits.