Download the app today

Visit the App Store or Google Play and download the app straight to your device.

Already a member?

Log in to the app using the same details you use to access Member Online. If it's been a while and you can't remember your details, we can send you an email with the information you need.

Get login details

Never logged in before?

If you're a QSuper member but haven't logged in to Member Online before, register online to set up your login details.

Register for Member Online

New to QSuper?

If you don't have a QSuper account, you'll need to open one before you can start using the app. If you're eligible to join QSuper, it takes less than 10 minutes.

Find out more

Want to add an extra layer of security to your account?

Try our multi-factor authentication (MFA) feature in Member Online. Once you've set it up, you'll need to enter a code every time you log in. You can add this extra layer of protection by turning on MFA in Security.

Key features

Simple and secure with all you need at your fingertips

With a range of features that let you stay on top of your super, accessing information about your retirement savings just got a whole lot easier.

Login with face unlock

Login with fingerprint

Login with PIN

Simple and secure access

Depending on your device, you can set up a PIN, fingerprint, or facial recognition to open the app.

View balance, transactions, and investments

Make sure your super is on track by checking your account balance, contributions, payments, and investment options.

Search for lost super

Use our handy tool to search the ATO and other super funds if you have any lost or unclaimed super.

Give your employer your QSuper details

Provide your employer with all the information they need to start paying super into your QSuper account, in one easy step.

Download statements

Access all your QSuper annual statements in one place to easily find what you need, when you need it.

Get notifications

Choose if you want to get a notification when your account receives contributions and rollovers, when your annual statement is ready, and more.