This calculator can help you work out how making either before-tax (salary sacrifice) or after-tax contributions may change your super and take home pay. It is a guide and provides factual information only, and not general or personal advice.

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  • The purpose of this calculator is to show you how changing the amounts and types of super contributions you make, can change how much super and take home pay you get. It’s a guide and gives only the facts, not general or personal advice.
  • The results shown are based on the information you give us and the key assumptions that are outlined below. They don’t consider your financial circumstances such as your living costs and debts. When making a financial decision, you should think about your needs, objectives, and overall financial situation.
  • You shouldn’t rely on this calculator to make a decision about your super. Consider getting advice from a licensed financial adviser before making any decisions.
  • Remember that you can’t usually access your super until you retire.
  • Tax and super rules change over time. The calculations are based on the current rules and don't consider future or proposed changes.
  • The results given are only relevant for this current financial year (until 30 June).
  • Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (ABN 88 010 720 840, AFSL 228975), the trustee of Australian Retirement Trust (ABN 60 905 115 063) expressly disclaims all liability and responsibility to any person who relies, or partially relies, on anything done or omitted to be done by this calculator.

Assumptions & limitations

Total salary (before tax)

  • If you are not a Queensland Government employee: Your total salary income is your employment income before tax and super contributions are taken out. It would include allowances and bonuses but exclude overtime. This is sometimes referred to as ordinary time earnings (OTE) salary.
  • If you are a Queensland Government employee with an Accumulation account: Your total salary income is based on your salary including approved loadings and allowances, before tax and excluding employer contributions.
  • If you are a Queensland Government employee with a Defined Benefit account: Your total salary is your permanent full-time equivalent salary as at 1 July, including allowances that have been approved. Shift allowances, weekend penalties, and locality allowances are not included.
  • The calculator only allows for incomes between $1,000 and $250,000 per annum.

Tax on income

The tax assumptions used are general in nature only and do not constitute tax advice.

  • Tax rates applied are for the 2024-25 financial year.
  • You are assumed to be a resident for tax purposes.
  • Income tax payable is calculated on the total salary income minus pre-tax super contributions (if applicable) using the current year’s personal income tax rates.
  • Medicare levy is included using individual thresholds, which is different for couples.
  • Medicare surcharge has not been included in the calculation.
  • No allowance has been made for any other tax offsets or deductions.


  • We assume you are under age 75 and are eligible to make personal contributions.
  • The calculation assumes you are eligible to receive government co-contributions if you make after-tax contributions and have an appropriate level of income.
  • The calculator only allows for employer contribution rates between 11% and 20%.
  • The calculator assumes Queensland Government employees make a 5% contribution (6% police), often referred to "Standard Member contributions". This is automatically set up by their employer and is calculated as a % of their fortnightly base salary (excluding non-approved allowances and loadings).  For employees making extra, $ based voluntary contributions you can input these under "Voluntary contribution". Be aware that your employer may show these figures combined on your payslip.
  • Most Queensland Government employers pay an employer contribution of 12.75% on Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) which include approved allowances and loadings. Police officers receive 18%.
  • Some Queensland Government related entities have legacy arrangements and pay 12.75% on base salary and perform a calculation to ensure that at least 11.5% of OTE salary is paid as employer contributions. They will make an additional top up when required. This calculator does not specifically cater for those arrangements; if they apply to you, please consider seeking financial advice.
  • From 1 July 2023, fire service officers will receive an employer contribution of 14.25% on Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) which include approved allowances and loadings. This calculator does not cater for these arrangements. If these arrangements apply to you, this calculator is not suitable for you. Please consider seeking financial advice.

Tax on contributions

  • The calculation includes the government low income superannuation tax offset (LISTO) based on your income and contributions.
  • Excess contributions tax is applied to concessional contributions made above the relevant cap.
  • Division 293 tax, which is applies to high income earners is not included, this is actioned by the ATO when you submit your tax return.

Contribution caps

  • The current concessional contribution cap is $30,000.
  • The calculator does not consider concessional contributions carry forward which relates to any unused concessional contribution cap amount you have accrued and are eligible to use.
  • The calculator assumes you are under the relevant non-concessional contribution cap.
  • The calculator assumes that you are eligible to make contributions to super.

Defined Benefit accounts

  • The total salary is your permanent full-time equivalent salary as at 1 July, including allowances that have been approved. Shift allowances, weekend penalties, and locality allowances are not included.
  • The calculations are only appropriate for Queensland Government staff making standard member contributions of 5% (6% Police) after tax or 5.88% (7.05% police) before tax. Its results are not appropriate for State or Police account holders.
  • The amount calculated that counts towards the concessional contribution cap is based on a statutory formula. Where this amount exceeds the concessional contribution cap, it is taken to be at the cap and no excess contributions tax is applied.
  • Additional voluntary contributions and OTE top up amounts can't be made to a Defined Benefit account and are directed to an Accumulation account, which can exceed the cap. 
  • The amount calculated to count towards benefit growth is based on the standard contribution rate as outlined as follows:

Qld Government

Contribution rate Multiple growth
2% 0.135
3% 0.160
4% 0.185
5% 0.210


Contribution rate Multiple growth
3% 0.140
4% 0.175
5% 0.210
6% (Police) 0.245