Most employers pay the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate of 11.5% to your super. But with some employers, they may pay you more if you contribute a set amount yourself.

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Not sure about your contributions? Check your super arrangements with your employer.

Benefits of increasing your employee super contributions

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Grow your super

Increasing the rate of super you contribute creates a big difference to how much you end up with over time.

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Get a matching increase

Your employer may add more money to your super depending on how much you add.

How much extra super can I get?

Queensland Government employees

Many Queensland Government employers have changed their super arrangements from 1 July 2023. For those not affected, here's how it works.

Standard (member) contributions are an employment arrangement for some Queensland Government employers and related entities.

If you work for these employers, you can generally make standard contributions of between 2-5% to your super.

You still have to make these contributions if you have a Defined Benefit account. Even if you work for an employer who's changed their super arrangements.

Increasing your standard member contributions will increase your employer's contributions. Your standard contribution rate depends on your account type (see below).

You pay Employer pays1
2% 9.75%
3% 10.75%
4% 11.75%
5% 12.75%
Your contribution Employer contribution Multiple growth2
Lowering your contribution rate 2% 9.75% 0.135
3% 10.75% 0.160
4% 11.75% 0.185
Default 5% 12.75% 0.210
Catching up previously lowered rates3 6% 13.75% 0.235
7% 14.75% 0.260
8% 15.75% 0.285

Multiple increases are for a full-time employee over a full year. You'll also get top-ups into your Accumulation account to bring your employer contributions to 11.5% of your ordinary time earnings (OTE) if you work for an employer who hasn't changed their super arrangements.

With a Defined Benefit account, your retirement benefit is calculated by multiplying a number that reflects both your years of service and your contribution rate (your multiple) with your final salary. Find out more about Defined Benefit accounts.

If you have a Defined Benefit account and have been paying standard contributions of less than 5%, this may result in you having less when you retire. It's possible to catch up by paying standard contributions of up to 8%. Contact us to find out if you're eligible.

Other employees

Employers are usually only required to pay super at the compulsory minimum rate of 11.5%. But some employers pay super at a higher rate, or they pay more if you make extra super contributions yourself. If you're unsure what your employer offers, check with your payroll office.

If you're a police officer and have a Defined Benefit account, find out more about your Police account type.

There are also other ways you can grow your super on top of contributions from your employer.

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Super Projection Calculator

See the impact that adding extra standard contributions could make to your super.

How to maximise your employer super contributions

If you're not already contributing the maximum in standard contributions, and you work for an employer that offers this, you can get your employer to pay more by increasing your contributions.

If they do, you can increase your standard contributions in two ways:

After-tax contributions

To start or increase your standard contributions if you're a Queensland Government employee, download and complete this form (pdf). Then give it to your payroll office.

Making after-tax contributions can also mean you get the government's super co-contribution if you earn less than $60,400 a year.

Salary sacrifice

Another way you could increase your standard contributions is via salary sacrifice, which can be tax-effective depending on how much you earn. To set this up, please contact your payroll office or salary sacrifice provider directly.

Other ways to grow your super

Discover more ways you can add to your super, such as other contribution types. Or find out ways to claim a benefit, such as a tax deduction or the government co-contribution.

Find out more

FAQs about employee and employer contributions to super

If you're unsure what your employer offers, check with your payroll office.

Most non-government employers don't offer this type of arrangement, but a few do. So please check with your payroll office if you're not sure.

Yes – depending on where you work, you may be able to receive more than the SG rate of 11.5%. If you work for certain Queensland Government employers and related entities, increasing your standard member contributions may increase how much your employer pays as well. For non-government employers, you can check with your payroll office whether they offer this type of arrangement.

Your employer is required to make payments at least quarterly, and you should be eligible to receive employer contributions if you are aged 18 or older. To see how much super you're being paid, check your payslip, log in to Member Online, or download our app.

This works a little differently if you have a QSuper Defined Benefit account. If you’re a Defined Benefit account member, we use a formula to calculate the concessional contributions associated with your account, which are called notional taxed contributions. You can log in to Member Online to view your estimated balance, or find out more about how Defined Benefit accounts work.

Depending on your circumstances, there can be a few disadvantages:

  • If you increase your standard contributions after tax and you're on a salary package type contract, you may end up with less in your take-home pay.
  • Increasing your standard contributions via salary sacrifice can be tax-effective, but it’s not right for everyone. Find out more.

There are limits to how much extra you can put into your super fund each year – the contribution caps – and if you go above the limits, you'll pay your marginal tax rate on them.

It depends whether you make your standard contributions as before-tax or after-tax contributions.

Reportable employer super contributions are extra superannuation payments that your employer pays, over and above the SG rate of 11.5%.

So when you increase your standard member contributions using the before-tax salary sacrifice contribution method, you'll have a higher level of reportable super contributions to list on your tax return. You can view your reportable employer super contributions in myGov or the ATO app.

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Do you know how much you're getting?

Check how much super you're paying – and getting paid – in the QSuper app or Member Online.

1. You and your employer pay a percentage of your salary for superannuation purposes into your super. Salary for superannuation purposes is your permanent salary and any allowances that have been approved for inclusion by Governor in Council. Your employer may be required to make an additional top-up contribution to ensure the employer contribution is at least 11.5% of ordinary time earnings (OTE). OTE is generally what you earn for your ordinary hours of work, including commissions, shift loadings and allowances, but not overtime payments.

2. Assumes you are working full-time at full pay for the year. Police officers have different rates.

3. This rate is only available if you have previously paid less than 5% and are 'catching up'.