Topic: News
news placeholder An update on the Brexit situation

While volatility has reduced at the margin, high levels of uncertainty remain – particularly in the UK. In light of this, we have implemented a number of investment decisions both preceding and following the vote.

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news placeholder Response to the Brexit vote

Britain has voted to leave the European Union in an historic referendum causing volatility in global financial markets and the British pound to fall to its lowest level since 1985.

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news placeholder Important information for Defined Benefit holders

You may have heard a recent announcement that the Queensland Government is considering using some of the surplus in the Defined Benefit Scheme (which is managed by the Queensland Investment Corporation on behalf of the Queensland Government) to reduce state debt and invest in infrastructure.

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news placeholder Concerned about your insurance?

You may have seen some recent media reports about CommInsure - the Commonwealth Bank’s insurance provider - and we’d like to reassure you that none of our insurance is offered through Comminsure.

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news placeholder We’re celebrating another great achievement

QSuper has been awarded the highest rating of 5 Apples from Chant West for both our Accumulation and Income accounts.

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news placeholder Condensed Retirement Preparation seminar set to start

As a result of member feedback, we’re changing the Retirement Preparation seminar to become a 1-day event from late February 2016.

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news placeholder Seminar Survey Competition Winner

Congratulations to our Seminar Survey competition winner.

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news placeholder 'Super Selfie' Competition Winner

Congratulations to our 'Super Selfie' competition winner.

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news placeholder The State Budget and your super

Defined Benefit accounts are guaranteed under legislation.

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news QSuper wins Pension Fund of the Year for third year running

We’re proud to announce QSuper has again been named Pension Fund of the Year at the 2015 Chant West Fund Awards, held last night in Sydney.

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