What the Federal Budget means for your super
25 March 2025
min read
Cost of living and recognition of value were firmly on the agenda of the Government when they delivered the 2025-26 Federal Budget against the backdrop of a “difficult global economic environment”.
Electricity rebates, income tax cuts, more funding for bulk billed GP appointments, cheaper PBS medications and more generous childcare subsidies were announced as part of this year’s Federal Budget. While the focus was firmly on the hip pocket today, there were also some announcements that could benefit future you.
Below is a summary of the Budget announcements relevant to super and retirement outcomes. It’s important to note the announced measures are still to be legislated.
Read our Chief Economist Brian Parker’s analysis of the election-eve budget
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Helping you work
There were several measures to help women and working parents join or stay in the workforce.
The government has formalised the next round of income tax reductions. Every Australian taxpayer will receive a new tax cut of up to $268 in 2026–27 and up to $536 in 2027–28, relative to 2024–25 tax settings.
And according to the government's estimations, around 7 million women will receive an additional tax cut in 2026–27 and 2027–28.
There was also additional funding for childcare subsidies, with $426.6 million for the new 3 Day Guarantee, which replaces the Child Care Subsidy Activity Test to ensure more families are eligible for at least 3 days a week of subsidised early childhood education and care.
And a reminder on a Budget announcement from last year – which comes into effect on 1 July this year – is that superannuation contributions of 12% will be paid on the Australian Government’s Parental Leave Pay. This payment will apply to parents of babies born or adopted on or after 1 July 2025. Learn more about the payment.
A deserved increase for caring professions
An important announcement welcomed by Australian Retirement Trust is the Government’s commitment to increase the pay of workers in fields providing care and education for our community. These important measures for aged care nurses and early educators will help improve the retirement outcomes in traditionally female dominated workforces and close the super gap.
Read our insights about gender pay gaps, and 5 ways to maximise your super as a woman.
Getting your super paid on time
While it won’t affect your hip pocket right now, the government’s keen to make sure that you get paid the super you're owed.
The Budget included funding for the Australian Tax Office (ATO) to help them enforce the on-time payment of tax and superannuation liabilities by medium and large businesses.
The Government also announced additional funding for the implementation of Payday super, which from 1 July 2026 will require employers to pay their employees’ super at the same time as they pay their salary and wages.
It’s important to know how employer contributions work, to make sure you’re building your best retirement.
Keeping your money safe
There’s also extra funding in the Budget for the National Anti-Scam Centre, to keep protecting consumers and businesses from scam activity.
According to the Centre, investment scams are the most lucrative, with a whopping $193 million lost in 2024.1
When it comes to frequency of scams though, attempts to gain your personal information via hacking, phishing, identity theft or remote access are by far the most common, accounting for more than half of all scams.
Your super is an important pot of money: make sure you’re keeping it safe! Learn how we protect your super, and how you can protect it too.
You can find out more about the superannuation and other Budget announcements by visiting budget.gov.au
1. Scam statistics | National Anti-Scam Centre