Topic: News
WOW Festival banner Bridging gaps for women through financial empowerment

Our Member Education Officer has shared some of her insights from her involvement in this year’s Women of the World Festival.

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NAIDOC-Week 2021 Banner NAIDOC Week call to heal country

This National NAIDOC Week, Australians are called upon to help heal the country through the protection of Indigenous heritage.

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RFDS training Medical stars shine in elusive RFDS training program

Attending this year’s Specialised Training in Aeromedical Retrieval (STAR) program, RFDS flight nurse Bill Cater shares his experience and why it was worth the wait.

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juiced tv Dietician helps teenager face her food fears

A Brisbane dietician is the latest winner of the Juiced TV Super Hero Awards, recognised for her support of young people facing complex mental health challenges, including a 17-year-old who was experiencing a fear of food.

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Smiling male employee in a cafe How your super will be stapled to you

Stapling will be introduced on 1 November 2021, which means your super will follow you when you change jobs.

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Female workers in office talking What stapling means for you and your employees

Stapling will be introduced on 1 November 2021, which means your employees’ super will follow them into their new job.

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grandma and grandchild QSuper wins Chant West Innovation award for members

QSuper’s resilience and innovation to support our members in an ever-changing environment has been recognised at the prestigious Chant West awards.

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MySuper online tool New online tool aims to easily compare super funds

A new superannuation comparison tool called “YourSuper” aims to help you choose the best super product for you.

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MySuper comparison tool How to easily compare funds and see ‘underperformers’

A new super comparison tool, to be called YourSuper, is expected to show you the best super fund and highlight underperformers.

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Happy woman Women’s economic security and safety feature in Budget measures

Women’s economic security, safety and health and wellbeing were in focus in the Australian Government’s 2021-22 Budget.

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