News News
working from home Focused on our members in a year like no other

In 2020, we have never been more focused on those needs. Here’s a brief recap of the financial year just gone.

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Celebrating hospital superheroes during COVID19 Celebrating hospital superheroes during COVID-19

QSuper and Juiced TV have recognised physiotherapist Rachel Thomas in the Super Hero Awards program.

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advice Simply get more of the advice you need on your super

QSuper now offers expanded over-the-phone advice

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RFDS group photo RFDS flight nurses on the COVID frontline

RFDS flight nurse Nick Coleman-Hicks describes his frontline experience delivering vital services to rural and regional Queenslanders during the coronavirus pandemic. 

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Chant West Award QSuper named Chant West Pension Fund of the Year

QSuper is named Australia’s Pension Fund of the Year and Best Fund for Investments

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Indigenous Community visit 2 Remote members score confidence and surprises with community visits

Trips to four Queensland Indigenous communities helped members reconnect with more than $1 million in super

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Medical staff seminar QSuper helps nurses access extra DV training

Nurses and midwives are receiving greater support to identify and respond to domestic violence incidents.

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Investment returns QSuper: An industry leader in times of volatility

Despite recent market volatility, QSuper’s Balanced investment option has led the industry in investment performance over the past three months.

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