News News
Zoom meeting etiquette Work meetings etiquette in 2021

11 tips for how to conduct 2021 work meetings

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woman shopping at markets Are you eligible for a new seniors government bonus?

You may be among thousands of retirees eligible for a new federal government bonus

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Win RFDS base tour Win an exclusive tour of a Flying Doctor base in Queensland

We’re offering our members the unique opportunity to experience an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of one of the Flying Doctor’s Queensland bases.

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children reading books QSuper Top 5 Book Challenge winners revealed

QSuper has awarded creative writing workshops to two Queensland schools as part of our annual Top 5 Book Challenge. With a record number of entries, this year’s challenge also gave us insight into the reading trends of students in 2020.

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family BBQ Focused on a smooth ride in a turbulent year

Chief Investment Officer Charles Woodhouse addressed QSuper’s first Annual Members Meeting on 10 November 2020. Here are his thoughts:

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screen share work meeting A challenging year for all of us

Chair Don Luke addressed QSuper’s first Annual Members Meeting on 10 November 2020. Here’s what he had to say:

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Darkness to Daylight QSuper team takes on Darkness to Daylight Challenge

QSuper is committed to ending domestic and family violence and our team recently pulled on their joggers to help raise funds and awareness for the cause.

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multi generational family Committed to looking after your retirement future

CEO Michael Pennisi addressed QSuper’s first Annual Members Meeting on 10 November 2020. Here are his comments:

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