Your super account: 5 actions to take
19 August 2022
min read
Taking five simple actions today may help you feel more in control of your future.

Keeping track of your super is one place to start in helping you take control of your financial future.
Just as you may keep track of your bank accounts, you can also keep track of your super account.
Simply log in to Member Online or download the QSuper app, to keep on top of the transactions made on your QSuper account during the year. You can check how much you and your employer have contributed, fees and insurance premiums that have come out of your account, and any money you’ve rolled in from other super funds.
Here are 4 other steps you could take:
Australians have billions of dollars in unclaimed super. Some of it might be yours.
Finding your lost super can be key to helping you reach your retirement goals.
If you want to check if you have any lost or unclaimed super, we can help make it quick and simple through Member Online.
Through Member Online, you can search for a full list of any super accounts you have with other super funds and any ATO-held super that may belong to you. There are no paper forms to sign or mail in.
Choosing the right investment option for you could make a big difference to your retirement lifestyle. If you’re unsure, accessing financial advice might help you decide on the right investment options for you. Deciding what is best for you will depend on your personal circumstances and you may want to seek personal financial advice to get the most from your superannuation.
Accumulation account members have peace of mind knowing their super can include death and total and permanent disability cover and income protection cover.1
If members need to make a claim, we aim to make the process as simple as possible.
Everyone's insurance needs are different, so it's important to understand how much cover you have, and whether it is right for your unique circumstances. Try our insurance needs calculator to make sure you have insurance cover that’s right for you.
Choose who receives your super
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Your super doesn't automatically form part of your estate, and can't just be included in your Will, but you can choose what happens to super when you die.
Choosing who you'd like your super to go to when you pass away can give you peace of mind that your family will have a financially secure future.
Find out more about binding death benefit nominations.
1. Subject to eligibility and conditions.