Adding extra money to your super from your after-tax money can be called making personal super contributions, voluntary super contributions, after-tax contributions, or non-concessional contributions. It's different to your employer’s SG contributions or salary sacrificing concessional contributions.

Benefits of extra super contributions

Making after-tax super contributions to your QSuper account can give you 3 main benefits:

Grow your super

Any extra contributions you make now create a big difference to how much you end up with over time.

Get a tax deduction

When you add money from your bank to your super, you can often claim a tax deduction.

Gain a government bonus

If you earn less than $60,400 in the 2024-25 financial year and make a voluntary contribution, the government may make a co-contribution to your super.

What are non-concessional contributions?

A non-concessional contribution (a.k.a. a personal, extra, voluntary, or after-tax contribution) means adding money to your super or your spouse's super from your take-home pay.

It's called "non-concessional" because you've already paid your normal tax rate on the money, instead of the "concessional" rate of 15% super tax on other types of contributions.

There are also other ways you can grow your super, such as salary sacrificing to super, which comes out of your pay before you pay income tax.

Use our Super Projection Calculator to see how much you could grow your super by adding money now.

How to make additional voluntary super contributions

You can add money as a once-off deposit or as regular payments throughout the year. It's easy, and you have 5 options for how to make a voluntary contribution to your Accumulation account:

  • computer icon
    Online: Find your BPAY® details in our app, in Member Online, or in your annual statement
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    Payroll: Contact your employer’s payroll office to see if they offer this service.
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    Form: For a once-off contribution, send us a Deposit form (pdf) with a cheque or money order. To set up ongoing contributions as a Queensland Government employee, use this form (pdf).
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    In person: Our Member Centres accept EFTPOS.

Eligibility for personal super contributions

You can make a non-concessional super contribution if:

  • Your total super balance is under $1.9 million on 30 June of the previous financial year
  • You’ve given us your TFN in Member Online, and
  • You’re under 75.

Make sure you check the limits on how much extra you can put into your super fund each year – the contribution caps – because if you go above the limit, you pay extra tax.

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Add money now with BPAY®

Make a personal contribution to your super with your BPAY® details in Member Online.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about personal super contributions

Yes, there are a few different ways you can add extra money to your super.

The information above explains how to add money to your super or your spouse's super from your bank account after paying income tax, but you can also salary sacrifice from your before-tax pay.

And if you're on a lower income, you can earn a bonus to your super. Find out more.

Yes, you can, and you can actually contribute to your super even later than that.

Up to age 75, you can contribute after-tax or before-tax money to your super. 

When you turn 75, the government doesn't let you keep contributing money to your super, apart from employer contributions and any downsizer contribution you make.

No, the government doesn't let you contribute to your super after age 75, apart from employer contributions and any downsizer contribution you make.

If you're concerned about having enough income in your 70s, it's worth considering the Lifetime Pension. Using this unique product, you can turn some or all of your super into an income for the rest of your life, and the life of your spouse (if you've chosen the spouse protection option), no matter how long you live.

If you want to claim a tax deduction for contributions to your super (or your spouse's super), here's what you need to know.

If you earn less than $60,400 in the 2024-25 financial year and want to receive a government co-contribution to your super, all you need to do is:

  1. Make a voluntary contribution to your super
  2. Lodge your tax return for the financial year.

Then the ATO will automatically assess your eligibility and pay the appropriate super co-contribution to your super. We’ll let you know once it’s arrived – the ATO usually makes these payments in late December.

If you've already permanently retired, whether or not you can add to your super depends on your age.

You can add to your super up to the limits until you turn 75.

If you're not yet retired, you can turn some of your super into a pension with a Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account. This means you can keep adding to your balance while receiving income payments from your super.

Find out more about QSuper retirement products, or request a call back from us to talk through your options for retiring with us.

Yes, you can put a lump sum into your super for a wide variety of reasons, including:

It depends on your circumstances. Normally, you can't withdraw your voluntary contributions – or any of your super – until you turn 65 or once you have reached your access age (age 60) and retire.  If you're over age 60, you've already met your access age. At that point, we have some great retirement product options to help you make the most of your super.

If you haven't retired yet, you can only take out your voluntary contributions if you meet the early access conditions.

You don't need to meet the work test in order to add to your super. However, if you want to claim a tax deduction on personal super contributions, you will need to meet the work test. This means if you are aged 67-74, you need to work at least 40 hours over 30 days in a row.

Next steps

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Add money to your super

Make a personal contribution to your super with your BPAY® details in Member Online. Not yet a member? 

Log in now
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Claim a tax deduction

Once you've made your contribution and are eligible, you can place your claim now – or wait until the end of the financial year if you might make more contributions.

Claim now

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