Topic: Superannuation
MySuper online tool New online tool aims to easily compare super funds

A new superannuation comparison tool called “YourSuper” aims to help you choose the best super product for you.

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MySuper comparison tool How to easily compare funds and see ‘underperformers’

A new super comparison tool, to be called YourSuper, is expected to show you the best super fund and highlight underperformers.

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Young female worker More women and lower-paid workers to qualify for compulsory super

If you earn less than $450 per month from a single employer you may soon be eligible to be paid compulsory super.

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Lifetime Pension Why QSuper created Lifetime Pension - an industry-first retirement product

QSuper's Head of Product and Services Ben Hillier shares the reasons and research behind QSuper’s innovative, new Lifetime Pension that gives retirees confidence they will have income that won’t run out.

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Banner of members Product and legislation changes that may affect you

Your questions answered on some QSuper product and legislation changes being introduced from 1 July 2021.

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banner Exchange Traded Funds growing in popularity

Funds are flowing into Australian-listed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) at a record rate.

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Gender Super gap How women can achieve a stronger financial future

Take your super into your own hands.

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Boost spouses super How to boost your spouse's super

Boost your spouse’s super with some help from the tax office.

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National Seniors Partnership QSuper and the national voice of older Australians

QSuper works with National Seniors Australia to support members.

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young female couple on laptop Consider online advice about your super

With just a few clicks and you could obtain advice anywhere, anytime online

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