Our members are our purpose We work for members, not shareholders.

We're part of one of Australia’s largest super funds, and our members have come first for over 100 years. As a fund that works for members, not shareholders, we work in members’ best interests, and are committed to returning profits to them as lower fees and better services.


Our story

QSuper was established in 1913 in Queensland to help Australians save for retirement and to provide financial support in the event of unexpected illness. At the time, superannuation was only available to a small number of Queensland Government employees – full-time salaried teachers, administrative clerks, and other white-collar workers. But it was a start.

Over the years, we introduced new products and services, won a number of awards for providing the best value and services for members, and merged to become part of Australian Retirement Trust.

Milestones and memories 1913 - present


The fund that will become QSuper, the Public Service Superannuation Fund, was established on 1 January, to help Queensland Government workers save for retirement.


We had 4,915 contributing members at the start of the decade.


We paid out £16,015 in 1930 for death and incapacity claims, and £5,764 in retirement funds.


During World War II, we had more than 3,000 members on active war service, including 133 female officers.


Legislation changes meant railway workers, nurses, temporary workers, and wages staff, among others, became able to join us.


The Public Service Superannuation Act introduced widows' and children's pensions in Queensland for the first time.


We ran our first pre-retirement seminar, starting our program to help members understand their super and plan for retirement.


A number of Queensland public sector super funds merged to become QSuper.


Super became compulsory, with the superannuation guarantee (SG) that employers must contribute for their employees.


We launched QInvest to provide members with personal financial advice about their super.


Our Accumulation account launched so members, such as new nurses, could receive more generous super contributions.


Members were now able to invest their super to change the world for the better, with our Socially Responsible option.


After the global financial crisis (GFC), we redesigned how we invest your super. Our new "risk-balanced" investment philosophy aimed to smooth the ups and downs of the market, while providing consistent returns.


We brought Lifetime to members - an industry-leading investment option that automatically personalises your investment strategy based on your age and your Lifetime account balance.


Self Invest launched, an investment option where members could directly invest their super in shares, term deposits, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Self Invest closed to new investors on 30 June 2023.


We became a public offer fund on 1 July.


We revolutionised retirement by launching Lifetime Pension to provide an income for life.


We merged with Sunsuper to become part of Australian Retirement Trust. We now take care of existing members, Government employees, and their families.

The present

You can enjoy your best years with us, knowing we've got your future covered.

  2.3m members and counting
Close to $300bin retirement savings
  185,000+ participating employers

QSuper is part of Australian Retirement Trust, one of Australia's largest super funds.

We invest differently

In the immediate aftermath of the global financial crisis (GFC), we redesigned how we invest our members' super.

Our "risk-balanced" investment philosophy aims to provide consistent growth over the long term with a smoother ride, so our members can focus on today, knowing they'll be right later.

It's one of the reasons we're an award winner for 15-year investment performance.

Focused on long-term performance

We're focused on delivering long-term returns for our members. That's why we're honoured to have received SuperRatings' 15-year Platinum rating for our Balanced option.

15 year Platinum performance
15-year Platinum

Supporting our community

We believe we have a responsibility to support all of our members in achieving financial wellbeing, so it's one of our priorities to positively influence and advocate for them.

Reconciliation at QSuper

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face significant and unique barriers that may prevent access to their super. To counter this, we visit these communities to help break down these obstacles, and provide fair and equitable access to their super.

To demonstrate our dedication to advancing reconciliation in Australia, in June 2018, we launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan.

Our conversations with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members and analysis identified key areas of opportunity where we believe we can make a significant difference, including:

  • Improving financial literacy
  • Promoting cultural awareness
  • Increasing access to superannuation services and potential benefits.

In 2023, we released our new Reconciliation Action Plan as part of Australian Retirement Trust.

Find out more

multigenerational family

Closing the super gender gap

1 in 3 women retire without superannuation. We think that's far too many. We know that women are less likely to achieve financial security in retirement, due to a variety of factors including the gender pay gap, childcare and elder care, part-time work, and a longer average lifespan.

With 64% of QSuper members being women, we're committed to improving their overall wellbeing and addressing the gender imbalance in super at retirement.

Our She's on Q events are designed by women for women and make talking about your finance and career relatable, with real-world, inspiring examples delivered by experts in their field.

When we can't do the work ourselves, we support organisations and events that do, including RizeUp and DVConnect

Find out more

women at work

Frequently asked questions Show all Hide all

No, we're not an industry super fund. We began as a public sector super fund, and we now offer products to Queensland Government employees and their families as part of Australian Retirement Trust.

While we aren't an industry super fund, we do have some similar characteristics to industry funds:

  • Profit-for-members
  • Work for members, not shareholders
  • Committed to lower fees.

No, QSuper is no longer a super fund. Instead, QSuper is part of Australian Retirement Trust, which is a regulated fund.

This means we have to comply with the legislation governing most Australian super funds.

Our MySuper authorisation number is 60905115063050.

Because QSuper is the Government Division of Australian Retirement Trust, Queensland Government employees and their families (meaning spouses and children under 25) can open most of our products.

Anyone can join our award-winning Lifetime Pension for a retirement income stream that's made to last.

Depending on your business, you may be able to partner with Australian Retirement Trust, partner with QSuper and take advantage of a range of benefits for you and your employees. Make sure you check your industrial award to see if a particular fund is listed as a default super fund for your industry.

If you're a financial adviser, your client can give you authority to your client's QSuper account by sending us a completed Authority to Release Information form (pdf), which has all the required information we need.

We're committed to working with you to ensure our combined expertise results in the best possible outcomes for your clients.