Whether you're starting to think about retirement or simply don't have the time to manage paperwork anymore, there are a number of reasons why you may decide to wind up your self-managed super fund (SMSF) and transfer your money to a QSuper account.

How to close your SMSF

If you want to close down an SMSF, you must let the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) know within 28 days. Winding up an SMSF can have an impact on your retirement savings so it's important to seek financial advice and plan an exit strategy before you make the decision to leave. Keep in mind that once an SMSF has been wound up, it can't be reactivated. For detailed information about winding up your fund, go to the ATO website.

Deal with assets

When closing an SMSF, you need to make sure you get rid of or sell off all the assets of the fund, bearing in mind you may need to pay capital gains tax (CGT) on any earnings.

Arrange an audit

You must arrange an audit to be completed by an approved SMSF auditor and finish any outstanding paperwork or reporting before you can lodge your final SMSF annual return.

Lodge SMSF annual return

Once your audit has been completed, you need to lodge an SMSF annual return. This is used to report any super regulatory information, member contributions, and pay the SMSF supervisory levy.

Transfer your super

To transfer your SMSF money to us, complete our Consolidate with QSuper form (pdf). If you're at your access age (age 60) and retired, you could also get the money directly.

Rolling your money to us

Once your SMSF has been wound up, moving your money to a QSuper account is easy.

Join us

If you're eligible to become a QSuper member, open an account with us now.

Complete form

Fill in our Consolidate with QSuper form (pdf).

Send it to us

If you email our Consolidate with QSuper form (pdf) to us, your transfer will occur electronically and be processed quicker. You can also post it to us, but it'll take longer.

We’ll send you a letter once the money has been received to your QSuper account, and you’ll also be able to see this when you log in to Member Online.

A focus on long-term returns

No matter how involved you want to be when investing your super, we focus on delivering long-term returns and investment options that are tailored to your needs.

If you still want to take some control over your investments, our Diversified and Single Sector options give you the confidence to choose your own strategy, knowing your investments are being managed by a team of professionals.

Investment options

Pay yourself a regular income

If you’ve retired, our award-winning Retirement Income account can turn your retirement savings into a regular income. Enjoy life after work, with tax-free investment returns and withdrawals after age 60.

And our award-winning Lifetime Pension is designed to work with it, providing tax-free income payments for life. See if you're eligible.

Find out why thousands of Australians have partnered with us in retirement.

Why retire with us

Why transfer my money to a QSuper Accumulation account?

Profit for members

We're part of a fund that works for members, not shareholders.

Award-winning value

You get the best value for money with our award-winning products.1

Super you can trust

We have 140 years' of combined experience helping members.2

Focused on lower fees

We're focused on returning profits to members as lower fees and better services.


More information

Contact us for more information about rolling over your SMSF to us.

Contact us
  1. Awards are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding to invest. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
  2. Australian Retirement Trust was formed through the merger of QSuper and Sunsuper on 28 February 2022.