Topic: Superannuation
Indigenous Community visit 2 Remote members score confidence and surprises with community visits

Trips to four Queensland Indigenous communities helped members reconnect with more than $1 million in super

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banner Nurses and midwives’ work has never been more important

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the great work of many essential workers

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Investment returns QSuper: An industry leader in times of volatility

Despite recent market volatility, QSuper’s Balanced investment option has led the industry in investment performance over the past three months.

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Investment returns QSuper: An industry leader in times of volatility

QSuper’s Balanced investment option has led the industry in investment performance over the past three months of extreme volatility and is an industry leader over 1, 3, 5 and 10 years.
This is evidence of our unique investment strategy in action. 


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merger QSuper/Sunsuper progress

Member questions about the QSuper/Sunsuper discussions.

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banner ttr Pros and cons of a transition to retirement strategy

Ease into retirement by accessing your super savings while you’re still working. Explore the pros and cons of a transition to retirement strategy.

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Economic response to coronavirus Economic response to the coronavirus

New temporary access to superannuation

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Coronavirus and market volatility Coronavirus and market volatility

Keeping market volatility in perspective

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ATO Lost and unclaimed super hits $21 billion

Australians with lost or unclaimed super accounts are owed an average of almost $6,600, new ATO figures show.

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What is a default super fund What is a default super fund?

Choosing a default super fund to offer your employees is a big decision. It’s important to understand the basics.

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