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mother and child Workplace changes after COVID-19

Australian workplaces may well have changed permanently as a result of COVID-19. According to Femeconomy founder Jade Collins, there may be a silver lining to the pandemic.

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banner Nurses and midwives’ work has never been more important

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the great work of many essential workers

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RFDS Memorable moments for RFDS flight nurse

QSuper is celebrating International Year of the Nurse and Midwife: A look into the life of RFDS (Queensland Section) Flight Nurse Susan Markwell.

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Shivani Start the money talk and break the taboo

Starting more conversations about money may help close the gender pay gap, a Remarkable Woman tells QSuper.

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Mental health Tips to be mentally resilient

Stress can become chronic both at home and in the workplace, so it’s important to build resilience, says mental health ambassador Chelsea Pottenger.

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Shes on Q Doing good at work

Millennials are well-known for wanting to save the world. The truth is, we all like to feel good about helping others, or the planet.

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Shes on Q What are your career goals?

Making a list of your skills and talents can help you see a way forward.

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work Money management when you are starting out

10 steps to help with a bright financial future

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