Now is the time to stay on top of your super
20 May 2024
min read
Staying on top of your super now can help you feel good about tomorrow.
Your super is a long-term investment and ultimately what matters is having enough when you retire.
Your super is your money. In Australia, there was $1,000 billion in total assets in MySuper products at the end of the December 2023 quarter.1
In the past year, you may have changed jobs or made other changes in your life – financial or otherwise – so looking after your super now means it may look after you later.
There are simple ways you can ensure you are on top of your superannuation money.
Here are 3 steps that may help:
Choose the super fund that is right for you
Most people can choose which super fund they would like their super contributions paid into.
According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s Moneysmart website2, performance, fees, services, investment choices and insurance are among important factors to consider when choosing your super fund.
Consolidating your super means moving all of your super into one account.
By combining your super, you may save on two precious commodities – your money as well as your time. That’s because a single account makes your super easier to manage and fewer accounts means fewer fees.
You can combine your super simply by logging in to Member Online3
No matter where life takes you or who you work for, your QSuper account can come with you.
So, if you change employers, your new employer will be able to find your existing super account through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and not need to create any new account for you, unless you want them to do so.
This is called stapling your super account to you. Stapling aims to reduce unintended multiple accounts.
Employers will get information about your existing super fund from the Australian Tax Office (ATO). If you don’t have an existing super account and don’t make a decision regarding a fund, the employer will pay your super into their nominated default superannuation fund.
Take us with you
If you’ve changed jobs, simply take your QSuper account with you
Here's how
1. Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, Superannuation statistics, accessed 2 April 2024 at
2. ASIC, MoneySmart, What to look for in a super fund, accessed 2 April 2024 at
3. Before you consolidate your super, you should check with your other super funds about any fees or loss of insurance or other benefits.