What you should know

Having 2 or more super accounts means you could be paying multiple sets of fees, including insurance premiums. Not sure if you have insurance? Log in to your account to check.

Paying extra fees unnecessarily might shrink your super balance, leaving you less to retire on.

If you have 2 or more accounts with ART, you may want to choose one account to keep, and transfer all your super into that account (called consolidating).

What to do next

You can:

  • Move all your super to your QSuper account, or
  • Move all your super to your Super Savings (ART) account
  • Keep things as they are
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Make sure you consider insurance

Make sure you check what insurance you currently have before consolidating. Insurance cover doesn't transfer automatically, but you can transfer it with our help.

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Ready to consolidate now?

If you're ready now, log in to the account you'd like to keep and follow the steps to consolidate.

Keep my QSuper account Keep my ART account

(This'll open a new tab in your browser).


It's important to consider your circumstances and what's right for you first. You could get financial advice if you're not sure.

What to consider?

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Fees and costs

Understand what you're paying for, and how much it costs.

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Investment returns

Returns for diversified and asset class options are the same for all our accounts.

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Check who you’d like to get your super (including insurance benefits) if you die.

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Consider whether your timing could lock in an investment loss, or have tax impacts.

Think about what's right for you before making a choice

If you have a Defined Benefit or Income account, you should get financial advice before deciding to close these accounts as it could impact your retirement benefits and Age Pension entitlements.

Ready to get started

These instructions are for consolidating Accumulation accounts only. An Accumulation account is where your super goes (and grows) during your working years. Learn more about super account types.

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Keep my QSuper account

Complete and email us an Application to transfer my insurance form (pdf). In section 2 of the form, there's a checklist. Select the second option 'I have attached all pages of a certificate of currency' and we'll attach your ART certificate of currency for you.

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Wait for us to confirm your insurance transfer application before you take the next step.

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Log in to Member Online, and follow the steps. Choose The Trustee for Australian Retirement Trust as the account you want to consolidate.

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Tell your employer where to pay your super.

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Keep my Super Savings (ART) account

Complete and email us a Transfer of insurance cover form (pdf). Select the ‘Yes’ option in section 3 of the form and we'll attach your QSuper certificate of currency for you. This'll also include details of any loadings or exclusions. If you've signed up to your employer's ART Super Savings – Business or ART Super Savings – Corporate super plan, you'll need to fill out a different form. More details about these arrangements are available on your employer's Australian Retirement Trust microsite.

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Wait for us to confirm your insurance transfer application before you take the next step.

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Log in to Member Online. When you consolidate, choose 'I know where my super is' and search for QSuper. Remember that your QSuper account/s will appear as 'The Trustee for Australian Retirement Trust'.

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Tell your employer where to pay your super.

FAQs about multiple super accounts

FAQs about multiple super accounts

If you want to a new QSuper account in future, you'll need to be eligible.

You might like to get advice about your QSuper account before you get started. For advice about ART accounts, visit the ART website.

Anyone you've authorised on the account/s you're closing will lose their access. Any authorities you've set up on the account you're keeping will stay active.

Examples of people you might have authorised are your financial adviser, spouse, lawyer, administrator, or guardian.

You can check if you have any authorities on your accounts below.

QSuper account Super Savings (ART) account
Check authorities Check authorities
Add or update authority Add or update authority
Insurance questions

Insurance cover through your super is designed to give you and your loved ones some financial support if the worst should happen to you. It covers you if you can't work for a period (income protection), if you're permanently disabled (total and permanent disability or TPD cover), or if you die (death cover). You'll need to consider whether you have enough cover for your personal circumstances.

Insurance through super can also form part of your estate when you die, if you make a binding nomination.

If you become disabled or die, you or your beneficiaries might be able to receive a benefit for death and/or TPD on more than one account.

But if you have multiple accounts with the same product, you'd only be entitled to insurance cover from one account. If you have Income Protection cover on more than one account, you might not be able to claim a benefit from both, or the amount you get might be reduced.

Unless you've opted out of insurance or you're ineligible for some other reason, you'll have insurance cover through each superannuation account you hold.

When you're deciding which insurance to keep, check how much you're covered for on each account. You can check your level of insurance in Member Online.

Look at how much it costs. You might have the same level of cover on multiple accounts, but one has cheaper premiums.

You should also look at other terms and conditions like pre-existing exclusions, waiting periods, and benefit periods.

If you don't wait, the insurance cover you have with the account/s you're closing will be cancelled. You'll only need to worry about this if you want to take the insurance you have in one super account with you to a different account.

If you've started an insurance claim on one of your super accounts, you should consider waiting until you have a decision on your claim before you close that account.

There could also be other impacts. Read the QSuper Insurance Guide (PDF) for more information, or the ART Super Savings Insurance Guide (PDF). Also note that ART Super Savings – Business and ART Super Savings – Corporate accounts have different insurance arrangements to those found in Super Savings accounts. More details about these arrangements are available on your employer's ART microsite.

You can transfer some or all of your insurance cover. Read the QSuper Insurance Guide (PDF) for more information or the ART Super Savings Insurance Guide (PDF). ART Super Savings – Business and ART Super Savings – Corporate accounts have different insurance arrangements to those found in Super Savings accounts. More details about these arrangements are available on your employer's ART microsite.

Don't forget that if you're eligible, you can apply, change, or cancel your cover at any time through Member Online.

This will stop if you transfer your insurance to another account, or close your account.

Defined Benefit and Lifetime Pension accounts

You can't transfer a Defined Benefit account without closing it first.

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You should seek financial advice before deciding to close a Defined Benefit account, as it could impact your retirement benefits.

You can't consolidate Lifetime Pensions. Lifetime Pensions are permanent after the six-month cooling-off period has passed. That means you won't be able to close a pension except in very limited circumstances.

Other questions

You'll need to submit a notice of intent to claim a tax deduction in Member Online and wait for us to confirm we've got it before you close your account. Learn more about when you can claim a tax deduction on your super.

If we didn't answer your question, please contact us.