To consolidate your Super Savings account(s) into another Super Savings, Super Savings - Business or Super Savings - Corporate account:
If you currently are receiving Superannuation Guarantee payments into a Super Savings account, you’ll need to let your employer know to direct those payments into the account you want to consolidate into. Otherwise, we will be unable to close all the account/s.
If you are not transferring your insurance, please skip to step 2.
If consolidating into your Super Savings Accumulation account complete the Transfer of insurance cover form (pdf). If consolidating into a Super Savings – Business Accumulation account, or Super Savings – Corporate Accumulation account complete the Transfer of insurance cover form available on your employer’s Australian Retirement Trust microsite.
Send us your completed form along with a letter or certificate of currency issued within the last 30 days. You can request a certificate of currency by contacting us.
Wait for us to confirm your insurance transfer application has been accepted before you consolidate your accounts or cancel your insurance.
Consolidate by completing the Transfer to another super fund form. When completing Section 5 of the form, make sure to select Option C then nominate which accounts you want to transfer, then choose the account you want to consolidate those accounts into.
If you also need to consolidate a QSuper account into your Super Savings account, you’ll need to repeat the steps for consolidating a QSuper account above.
If you're consolidating accounts and have multiple QSuper accounts, you can choose which accounts you want to consolidate when consolidating online.