Staff induction - getting it right from the get go
06 June 2022
min read
Recruiting new employees can be an extensive – and expensive – process. Once you’ve found and secured the right person, it’s your turn to impress them.

Having a comprehensive staff induction program designed to make new employees feel comfortable and help them hit the ground running is not just good for them, it’s good for business, too.
New employees often feel daunted when they step into a new work environment. By making staff feel welcome and arming them with all the information they need, you can ensure they settle in quickly and start performing.
Ways to roll out the welcome mat
Not all workplaces are the same, of course, but as an employer you could consider including these ideas in an induction process for new staff:
Consider who a new staff member needs to meet. You could show them around the building so they are familiar with the layout and know where the exits, fire escapes, bathrooms and recreation/lunch rooms are.
It is good practice to provide a new employee with a copy of their work contract, job description, rosters, important staff contact numbers, workplace health and safety information, a Fair Work Information Statement outlining conditions of employment (this is mandatory across Australia), and a company or HR handbook outlining your expectations and codes of conduct.
Ideally new employees would be supplied with the tools they need to do their job, such as uniforms, access to a workstation, computer logins, car keys, door keys, a company ID, phone and training if it is required.
It is also good practice to ensure you have recorded a new employee’s tax file number, emergency contact numbers, address and bank account details.
Collect the information required to set up your employees’ super contributions, either to their nominated fund, or to your default fund if a choice has not been made.
Make super a priority
Getting new employees set up for super is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s a legal obligation for employers to pay the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) on top of employees’ wages to all eligible employees.
Secondly, every dollar that goes into your employees’ super makes a difference to their balance on retirement.
In 2021, we surveyed nearly 3000 Queensland Government employees and found that 56% of respondents worry they will not have enough super to fund their retirement.1
By adding super resources to your induction program you may demonstrate you care about your staff’s financial welfare. By alleviating their concerns, you can also minimise distraction, which could positively impact productivity.
How QSuper can support you
To make it easier to tell your staff about their superannuation arrangements, we’ve created some resources that could supplement your own employee induction process. There’s a printed induction pack, comprising a QSuper information booklet and welcome factsheet providing your team with key information about the super fund.
To order these packs, you can call 1300 367 845. There’s also some digital induction resources, including a welcome video new employees can download.
QSuper can also partner with you to provide tailored financial solutions for your staff. We offer a comprehensive workplace talks program that covers a range of superannuation topics to suit employees at any stage in their careers. The talks run for 15-60 minutes, depending on the topic.
You can also access a number of online tools and resources, including videos, calculators, articles and QSuper FinFit.
Call QSuper on 1300 367 845 today for help with your induction kits.
1. Queensland Government Financial Wellbeing Index 2021. This survey of 2,868 Queensland Government employees was carried out by IPSOS on behalf of QSuper, June 2021.