Important numbers
Fund name |
Australian Retirement Trust |
ABN (Australian business number) |
60 905 115 063 |
USI (Unique superannuation identifier) |
QSuper accounts: 60905115063001
Use this for making payments or transferring money into QSuper accounts (except if you're an employer with QSuper as your default super product).
QSuper accounts (participating employer): 60905115063002
Use this if you're an employer with QSuper as your default product or a Queensland Government employer.
Super Savings accounts: 60905115063003
Use this number for payments to Australian Retirement Trust Super Savings accounts. |
Client number |
You can find your client number on most emails from us or your annual statement, or in Member Online or our app. |
Easily manage your super online
You can make a lot of transactions in Member Online, or download a pre-filled form for some of your needs as a member.
Combine your super
You can transfer money from other super funds to your QSuper account in Member Online.
Claim a tax deduction
You can claim a tax deduction on your after-tax super contributions through Member Online.