Uncover some of our unlisted asset investments
25 October 2024
min read
Our team of investment experts find innovative and diverse investment opportunities for our members.

We’re one of Australia's largest super funds. With size comes opportunity, and we have access to assets that aren’t available to individuals, self-managed super funds (SMSFs), and even some other super funds.
When it comes to investing, diversification is important. Unlisted assets provide attractive benefits for building diverse portfolios.
Learn more about our unlisted assets investments.
Here are some of our key unlisted asset investments you might find interesting.
London Heathrow
We’ve invested in London Heathrow airport (pictured above) since 2011.
Heathrow is Europe's busiest airport based on passenger numbers.1 But it’s more than an airport. It’s a critical national infrastructure asset with multiple business operations that make it vital to the UK economy and linking Britain to the world.
We invest in Heathrow airport because of factors including its size, position and status as a significant, regulated transport asset.
We also invest in these airports:
- Brisbane Airport
- Bristol Airport
- Birmingham Airport
Every time a Victorian renews their driver’s licence or registration, it impacts our investment in VicRoads.
Our investment in the partial privatisation of VicRoads was our first infrastructure investment as Australian Retirement Trust after the merger of QSuper and Sunsuper in 2022.
We expect returns from this investment as income and growth.

Vena renewable energy
Vena Energy is a leading Asia Pacific renewable energy company based in Singapore. We’ve invested in Vena since 2018.
Vena owns, develops, builds, operates, manages and commercialises renewable energy projects. It works in 3 areas:
- onshore - wind and solar
- offshore – wind
- energy storage.

Puget electricity and natural gas
Puget is the largest integrated electric and natural gas utility in the USA Pacific Northwest.2
Its regulated assets include:
- electricity generation
- electricity transmission and distribution
- natural gas infrastructure.
We’ve been investing in Puget since 2022 and made an additional investment in 2024 so Puget could buy more wind and solar assets.

G’day Group holiday parks
The Australian holiday park group has been a strong performer since we bought a majority stake in 2014. It now has holiday parks in every Australian state and the Northern Territory.
Visitor demand for holiday parks has shown growth and resilience over the past decade, with growth expected over the medium to long term.
Aged care
Our investment in healthcare helps us diversify and aligns with our goal to make a positive impact with our investments.
Australia’s aging population highlights the need for more investment in high quality aged care. We began investing in aged care through the Carnegie Catalyst Healthcare Real Estate Trust in 2017 and expect to invest more in the sector over the medium to long term.
Following from our investment in Australian aged care real estate, we invested in Elevation, an aged care specialist property investment company.
1. Official Airline Guide, 8 March 2024, Top 10: Europe’s busiest airports based on OAG Schedules Analyser, at oag.com
2. Puget Sound Energy, PSE | Our Diversified Electricity Supply, accessed 16 September 2024