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Super and insurance in a committed relationship
Here's what you need to know about your super and insurance when you get married (including same sex) or are in a civil union or a de facto relationship.
If you've recently married, you don't have to change your name, but if you do, please send us by post, email, or fax:
Please note we can't accept the ceremonial marriage certificate that you sign on the day of your wedding.
If you work for the Queensland Government, you don't need to send us anything - simply let your payroll office know your new name and they'll pass it on.
If you're moving in together for the first time, remember to update your address and/or phone number in Member Online.
You can make sure your loved one would be looked after if you died or became disabled, by checking you hold enough life insurance through your super. Your level of cover should be able to meet your combined regular expenses and/or pay off any debts you and your partner have, such as a mortgage or credit cards.
Try our Insurance Needs Calculator or seek financial advice if you're not sure whether you have enough cover.
Make sure your loved ones receive your super if you die, by telling us in Member Online whom you want to receive your super (your beneficiaries).
If you don't do this before you pass away, your super generally goes to your spouse (including same sex) and any children who are under 18 years old. However, if you're in a de facto relationship, the law says they'll need to prove you lived together as a couple on a genuine domestic basis - so telling us your wishes ahead of time makes things much easier.
If your spouse has less super than you do due to earning less or caring for children and elderly parents, you can help them grow their retirement savings while potentially reducing your own tax:
It's worth getting financial advice about the best way to prepare for retirement together.
You don't have to have the same super fund as your spouse, but it could make some things easier. If you and your partner have accounts with the same super fund, it's easier to split super contributions between you. And if you're both QSuper members, you can get financial advice about how to manage your super.
Of course, there's a lot more to finding the right super fund for you than just picking the one your spouse is with. You should compare a super fund's performance, fees, insurance, and more.
You can't currently combine your superannuation into a joint account in Australia. So it's important to take care of each other's super, so both of your retirement savings have a chance to grow.
Plan your QSuper retirement with personalised financial advice.