Our ESG approach
Our approach to sustainable investing is guided by our legal duty to members, our core investment beliefs, and our Sustainable Investment Policy.
We use the following as part of our approach to sustainable investment:
- ESG integration
- Stewardship (engagement and proxy voting)
- and, in limited cases, exclusions.
We believe integrating ESG factors into our investment processes alongside other traditional financial considerations helps us make better long-term decisions for our members’ retirement outcomes.
Our Sustainable Investment Policy covers our overarching principles.
Download the Policy (pdf)
How does that work?
We invest the majority of the Fund's portfolio through external investment managers. Therefore, ESG integration is predominantly executed through the selection, appointment, and monitoring of new and existing managers.
We undertake stewardship activities through engagement and proxy voting. The number of our holdings means we can't engage all the companies in which we are invested. Where we do engage our investee companies, we use the following methods: directly, collaboratively or through a service provider.
Where possible, we will endeavour to vote at all company meetings on resolutions for which we are eligible to vote, with some exceptions, detailed in our Sustainable Investment Policy.
We apply screening (exclusions) in limited circumstances. There are, however, some occasions where it may be considered appropriate to exclude certain investments. Exclusions that are applied for the Australian and International shares asset classes across all across all QSuper's Diversified and Single Sector investment options, are outlined in our QSuper Investment Guide (pdf).