All before-tax payments (which include an employee's salary sacrifice contributions and employer contributions) are taxed at 15% when they’re paid into a super account. You'll need to increase any before-tax standard (member) contributions to a Defined Benefit account you pay on your employee's behalf to pay the contributions tax and make sure your employee continues to accrue the same multiple.
The table below shows the adjusted salary sacrifice contribution rates that you’ll need to pay for Defined Benefit accounts to keep the employee's standard contribution rate.
Standard (after-tax) contribution (other than police) |
Adjusted salary sacrifice contribution |
Standard (after tax) contribution police |
Adjusted salary sacrifice contribution |
2% |
2.35% |
3% |
3.52% |
3% |
3.52% |
4% |
4.70% |
4% |
4.70% |
5% |
5.88% |
5% |
5.88% |
6% |
7.06% |
The employee (member) contribution amount is calculated as follows:
(Salary for superannuation purposes x adjusted salary sacrifice contribution percentage) x hours paid ÷ standard full-time hours.
The employer contribution you make in respect of your employee' defined benefit membership (other than police officers) is calculated as follows:
(Salary sacrifice contribution ÷ adjusted salary sacrifice contribution rate) x 7.75% + (salary sacrifice contribution x 85%)
For police officers, the employer contribution is calculated as follows:
(Salary sacrifice contribution ÷ adjusted salary sacrifice contribution rate) x 6.00% + (2 x (salary sacrifice contribution x 85%))
The amount you need to pay (on top of what your employee pays) to an Accumulation account is calculated as follows:
For employees other than police or fire service officers:
12.75% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE).1
((Salary sacrifice contribution ÷ adjusted salary sacrifice contribution rate) x 7.75% + (salary sacrifice contribution x 85%))
For fire service officers:
14.25% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE).1
((Salary sacrifice contribution ÷ adjusted salary sacrifice contribution rate) x 7.75% + (salary sacrifice contribution x 85%))
For police officers:
18% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE).1
((Salary sacrifice contribution ÷ adjusted salary sacrifice contribution rate) x 6.00% + (2 x (salary sacrifice contribution x 85%))
*Additional employer contribution to be reported as Productivity/Award.
Some employers have super arrangements that differ from these standard arrangements.
If you’re unsure how much you should be paying or need help calculating payments, please contact the Employer Solutions and Support team.